
Kugwidwa Ufiti in a Serverless Database

In late 2022, we started exploring Snowflake as an alternative to our existing data warehouse solution at my usual place of work. Before then we were a strictly Microsoft SQL server house. Sequel S...

My First AOC Experience [DRAFT]

Last year I decided to try out Advent of Code (AOC). I didn’t get to finish the whole thing. From what I managed to do though, I had fun and I believe that I levelled up a bit in the language I use...

Don't Settle Too Early [DRAFT]

A couple of days ago there was a debate on programming languages (technology in general). in one of our local developer groups. The initial proposition that was made was kind of something like PHP ...

A Case for Paper Based Workflows

A common thread I find in most software developers’ product pitches in Malawi (Africa as a whole too to some extent) revolves around replacing paper based workflows with almost one hundred percent ...

I Hate File System Based Routing

I have been using Sveltekit on a number of projects for a while now. Whilst I like some of its ideas, there is one thing that just undoes the whole thing for me. File system based routing, it sound...

FAM On That Crystal Meth

One thing that got me into Crystal is how easy creating C bindings is in the language. Here is a quick example: $ crystal init app libc_bindings $ cd libc_bindings $ cat <<-EOF > src/li...

A Naive Approach to Monitoring Datasets [Draft]

For some time now, I have had this problem at my usual place of work to do with monitoring of some data streams. The feeds are mostly set up as webhooks that are provided to other teams within the ...

Please Format your Squeel!!!

This might be short… Mostly a rant on the lack of etiquette most developers have when it comes to writing SQL. There are two things that irritate me without end when it comes to reading other peop...

Docker Network Interface Woes

After some system updates on my Opensuse Tumbleweed box, dockerd could not start. Any attempts to start it would be responded to with the following error: WARN[2022-12-23T13:17:02.715976321+02:00]...

How to Wait for Dependencies in Docker Compose

Every once in a while you may find yourself having to deal with services that have some hard dependencies on each other. Service B (frontend) needs to have service A (API) running before it starts....

Careful With Them Elasticsearch Ingest Pipelines

About a week ago I run into some mind boggling problem working with Elasticsearch. Looking back at it now, it seems quite obvious but back then it was not at all straight forward to figure out. Th...

Crystal Has Java-like Interfaces

I love Crystal; I think it gets right pretty much everything that irks me about Ruby. And that speaks volumes because Ruby to me is just brilliant but it’s not something I would happily use in a la...