Home Don't Settle Too Early [DRAFT]

Don't Settle Too Early [DRAFT]

A couple of days ago there was a debate on programming languages (technology in general). in one of our local developer groups. The initial proposition that was made was kind of something like PHP is a dead language. Everyone should switch to Python instead, well … because AI (I don’t agree with 99% of the arguments that were made in support of this, story for another day though…). The debate progressed into a different topic; something to do with specialisation. It was more around the idea of specialising in one or two programming languages and more or less ignoring everything else. You don’t need to learn Rust or Go or [insert some language/framework/tool here] because:

  1. There is no demand for those technologies in Malawi…
  2. The kinds of problems we have in Malawi don’t really need those technologies, you can easily solve our problems with PHP
  3. Your users don’t care about the technology used in developing your service
  4. People only learn/use these technologies to show off to other developers

Whilst I do understand these arguments, I think this kind of reasoning could hamper a person’s growth as a software developer especially if the person is just starting out. I also believe it’s not good for our developer industry in general. Before proceeding, I need to drop a disclaimer (people these days are easily offended - too many snowflakes that take opposing views as a personal attack):

  1. I am not against specialisation… I am against the thinking that specialisation means ignoring everything not within the immediate scope of one’s area of specialisation (e.g. Python is more than enough, I don’t need to learn PHP…).
  2. Everything in this article are just my personal opinions. Most of these are coming from my experience and the arm-chair programming philosophy I do from time to time.

A different language can make you a better developer at your language of choice

“LISP is worth learning for a different reason — the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use LISP itself a lot.” Eric S. Raymond - How To Become A Hacker

When I was starting my journey into programming, one of the first articles I went through was ESR’s Hacker How-To. One thing I learnt from it was that there are tools out there that I will learn for the sake of learning. I might never use the tools themselves in any real life projects but the lessons I learn from those tools will help me be better at whatever tool I stick to. This idea is summed up in the quote above. You may agree with it or not but there is an element of truth in it. There are things out there whose sole purpose in our lives is to teach us how to make better use of the things we already have.

Primarily, I am a Python developer. I started programming in this language in 2010. Over the years there are certain concepts that I now use that only became clearer when I looked at them from a different programming language. The easiest example I can give (and I usually do give) is on use of interfaces. For a time, interfaces were a concept that I had heard of and could explain to an extent but I never really thought through as I was programming. Interfaces didn’t really factor into the decisions I made when structuring my programs. I then learnt a bit of Java in something like 2012 or earlier. I started learning Java mostly because I wanted to start contributing to Zangaphee Chimombo’s jBawo (I was passionate about board games, free software, and programming - these were some of the best days of my life). Unfortunately, I never got to contribute to jBawo beyond bug submissions. I didn’t learn enough Java to be writing it competently. Swing, AWT, and ma threads anandigudubuza sizibwana. I did learn about interfaces though and I started to think about them a little more in the design of programs in Python. Here (and here too) are examples of how that usage looked like. You can also see it below:

  class BaoAgent(object):
      '''An interface used to communicate with a bao arbiter or player.'''
      def new_game(self, field, **kwargs):

      def message(self, message, from_=None):
          '''Send message to agent.

          from_ is the id of the original sender, if None then the message was
          sent by the arbiter

      def move(self, m):
          '''Send move made to agent.'''

  # And then I would later come up with implementations like:
  class Player(BaoAgent):
    def new_game(self, **args, **kwargs):

    def message(self, *args, **kwargs):

  class Malume(BaoAgent):
    """AI player"""

  class NetworkedPlayer(BaoAgent):

Whether this was good practice is debatable … Python now has ABCs and protocols that kind of provide native support for the same thing. Learning about how to properly use interfaces in Java gave me an extra tool that I used in designing my Python programs. So, was learning Java a waste of time since I never got to use it much? I don’t think so… In my opinion, learning Java made me a better programmer overall.

Later on I picked up Ruby, mainly out of peer pressure from madolo who were working at BHT back then. These people made sure we know how beautiful Ruby was. I dove into it to see this beauty that they spoke of and I can report back that it truly is there. If you are just curious about programming languages, check it out sometime. One of the things I learnt in Ruby was this concept called duck typing. Basically, duck typing can be summarised by the phrase “if it quacks then it’s a duck.” Learning this made me realise that I don’t necessarily always need to be explicit about interfaces. I still have to think about them but in a dynamic language like Ruby, I don’t need to be super explicit about them. I ended up going back to a style similar to what I was doing initially in Python but with a lot more thought put into the structure of my programs.

As I have grown older – don’t know if it’s kukalamba chabe, I have come to prefer statically typed languages. Even though I still use Python, I make heavy use of Python’s type annotations. I am a bit more explicit with my interfaces using protocols. Protocols provide structural subtyping for Python type annotations. This to an extent is duck typing with some extra steps. If you are familiar with Go’s approach to interfaces, that’s pretty much what protocols are.

If there is one thing you can take from this is that you should not keep yourself from learning more languages, frameworks, etc beyond what you primarily use. Some ideas are easier to grok from a different perspective than the one your immediate tools give you.

Exploring different tools can help you see the limitations of your current tools

Most tools have communities around them. These communities tend to advocate different approaches to problem solving. Take web programming for example: if I want to build a web application in languages like Go, Erlang, or Clojure, chances are that I will have to make choices about things like:

  • What server should I use?
  • What of a router?
  • To ORM or SQL builder or just raw SQL?
  • What HTML templating engine should I use?
  • How am I running this application in production?

For I to be able to make competent decisions about any of these things, I need to have an idea of what all those things are and why they exist. Having this knowledge allows me to choose among various options and more importantly, I know what problems these things are helping me avoid. I believe that the knowledge required for me to be able to make such decisions makes me overall a better developer compared to how I would be if I was never pushed to learn these things at some point.

Consider HTML templating engines, I know that most templating engines help me avoid XSS issues in some way. Almost all engines automatically escape HTML for me. To opt out of this I need to be explicit about my intentions. The idea that XSS is a potential issue was only hammered down into my brain because of my exposure to templating engines.

Of course, there are full blown frameworks in those languages that make these decisions for you. However, you will mostly find that developers prefer making these decisions for themselves. The culture around these languages will you push into becoming a developer who strives to have a deeper understanding of the various bolts and nuts that go into building a web application. Contrast this with web development in something like Python. From my experience of web development in Python, the culture there tends more towards batteries included web frameworks like Django. If your first experience in web development is in Python, you will likely be driven towards Django (there are microframeworks like Flask and FastAPI but I hardly see these recommended to beginner web developers).

With Django, you will just get all the pieces that you need to build a web application without getting much context as to why those pieces are there. So, out of the gate, you will likely learn more about what goes into a web application if you pick something like Go over Python. With Python you will likely be able to put together something of significant complexity faster than you would in Go. On the flip side, by the time you get to build something with similar complexity in Go, you will have a deeper understanding of web development in general. If you start with Python, learning web development in Go later might give you a fuller understanding of all the components that make up Django. If all you are is a Go web developer, web development in Python might teach you how to build web applications quickly.

In sum, what I am trying to say here is that after you learn and get comfortable with your raw dog PHP, look at Laravel. When you are done with Laravel maybe look at web development in Javascript or some other language. You don’t have to become an expert in the other environments. Know enough to be dangerous as some say. The further you go, the deeper your understanding of web development becomes. The more you know, the clearer the limitations of your current tools (and the ones you are exploring) become to you. This goes beyond web frameworks, things as simple as style are approached differently in different communities.

You can’t learn everything but then you just can’t settle on one thing and ignore everything else. Try scouring places like dev.to or diff.blog to learn about what people are doing out there. If you see something interesting, check it out sometime. Quickly browsing a tools documentation is more than enough in my opinion. You can deep dive if you see something really interesting.

Demand may simply reflect the lack of information not people’s needs

“You only really need to know PHP (and HTML… and Javascript… and CSS) to get developer gigs in Malawi because that’s what the market demands.” That’s a sentiment you will hear quite often among the software development elders in Malawi. That’s a fact and I can’t argue against it. However, I don’t believe this should be the primary reason that entices you to specialise in PHP or whatever is in demand. Consumers (ie. people looking for software development services) will only demand for what they know, not necessarily what they need. We as the supply side of web development services in Malawi have convinced the demand side that PHP is the (only?) way to build web applications. We have more information than the demand side has. If the demand side had perfect information about what options are available, would it still always choose PHP? I personally don’t have a definite answer but looking at the top developer employers in Malawi whose demand for developers is largely driven by other developers, I am inclined to say no!!!

We almost all tend to argue that we are developing applications for a resource constrained country. If that’s truly the case then what the Malawi market needs are languages (tech) that minimise operating/running costs and not necessarily just development costs. The way I see the market in Malawi is that the services offered are optimised for developer productivity (PHP ranks very high when it comes to shipping applications quickly). I am certain that for any substantially complex application in PHP or Ruby, we can build an equivalent in something like Rust or Go. The Rust/Go application’s operating costs will likely be a fraction of the PHP/Ruby application. If the customer who we are building the application for had access to this information, would they still be okay with PHP? Say you pose to your customer with a question like “With some increase in the development cost, I could cut down on how much you will have to pay monthly in keeping this application running for the rest of its life?” You would probably have to provide detailed information on how much the development cost increases and how much the operating costs decrease.

To some extent, I believe the high demand for PHP on our developer market is a reflection of lack of information on the demand side.

To be continued…

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